Frequently Asked Questions
You can find out about our Fees & Cancellations policy here.
A standard appointment is usually between 10-15 minutes. Please ask the receptionist to book a long consultation if you need a general check-up, have more than one problem to be dealt with or need a consultation that will include counselling.
If you need to see a doctor urgently, our business hours are adjusted for:
Monday-Thursday 8am-7pm
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Public Holidays: 8am-6pm
If you are uncertain if you need to see a doctor, call Health Direct for contact with a nurse or a doctor over the phone who will give advice on whether the issue can wait or if urgent care is necessary. Their phone number is 1800 022 222 and you can access details on their service through this link. HEALTH DIRECT
If you need a referral to a specialist, please make an appointment at least one week prior to your specialist appointment. This allows your doctor to write a letter containing all the relevant information. Please note that it is illegal to backdate a referral.
If you need a prescription, we ask that you book an appointment when you are on your last repeat. The doctor often needs to check that the medication is still appropriate, optimal and safe.
If you need a medical certificate, your doctor will need to see you to certify that you are unfit for work. To do this, please book an appointment.
Doctors try hard to keep to time, however injured and unexpectedly ill patients can, and do, cause delay. You can help too.
Please ask the receptionist to book a long consultation if you need a general check-up, have several problems or need a consultation that will include counselling.
If the doctor needs to see you to discuss your results, you will receive a phone call from one of our nurses to book a follow-up appointment. If you have not heard from the Practice, please ring our reception staff for your results one week after the test has been collected. If you want further information, you may need to make an appointment to discuss the result with your doctor.
Privacy laws make it illegal for us to disclose any information about a patient, even to family members, without their prior consent. If you want a family member to have access to your results, please let our receptionists know to make a note of this in your record.
As it is important to keep interruptions to a minimum, it will not generally be possible for the doctor to take a patient’s phone calls during a consultation. The doctor will return your call as soon as possible. Please let us know if it is urgent.
We keep your records electronically on a secure server. This includes tests, letters, certificates, correspondence, prescriptions, and referrals.
We want to make you happy. We’re proud of our practice, but if you have any feedback, please contact us.
The Practice Manager
Ocean Keys Family Practice
2/5 Ebb Way
Clarkson 6030We take all complaints seriously and your feedback is important to us so please write.
Our after hours service is run by WADMS at 08 9321 9133. Call them for urgent review after hours or visit their web site. WADMS
Alternatively, an after hours GP service operates from 7pm to 11pm weekdays and 11am to 11pm weekends
Joondalup After Hours GP
60 Shenton Avenue
Joondalup 6027The phone number is 08 9400 9988. AFTER HOURS CLINIC
If you have an emergency, go to the emergency department.
Joondalup Health Campus
60 Shenton Avenue
Joondalup 6027If you are uncertain if you need to see a doctor, call Health Direct for contact with a nurse or a doctor over the phone who will give advice on whether the issue can wait or if urgent care is necessary. Their phone number is 1800 022 222 and you can access details on their service through this link. HEALTH DIRECT
We have a system to follow up with health checks and disease reviews. We may not recall for routine vaccination, however always recall for pap smears.
Medicare requirements for the visits are that you have :
a chronic medical condition that has complex care needs
care needs that require 3 or more care providers with ongoing responsibility for your care
If you fulfil both of these conditions, a GP care plan, team care arrangement and referral can be created. Please note that this process does take time as we will need to correspond with other practitioners involved with your care.