Ocean Keys Family Practice

At Ocean Keys Family Practice, we understand that sometimes you don't know whether it's serious or not. You can be assured that you will be treated with professionalism and respect. Make an appointment with one of our award winning doctors.


At its simplest, a fever is when body temperature rises above normal. This is usually caused by an infection of some kind. The infection is usually either viral or bacterial in nature and includes things like colds and flu. Other less common causes of fever are tropical diseases like malaria, heat stroke, and malignant tumors. In addition to the high temperature, there are a number of symptoms that tend to accompany a fever. These include a flushed face, feeling hot and sweaty, shivering and teeth chattering, and just generally feeling unwell. 

It's always important to see a doctor for a fever over 40°C. A fever of 42.4°C or higher can cause permanent brain damage and the elderly are particularly susceptible. Most fevers will subside on their own, usually after a few days. A typical course of treatment for a fever will include drugs like paracetamol or ibuprofen, intake of plenty of water, and rest. For a severe fever, especially one accompanied by other severe symptoms like a stiff neck or confusion, urgent medical attention is necessary and the underlying cause will need to be treated.